What did I want? I wanted to cook the food that I wanted. I wanted to return to being “Head Chef” somewhere. That is what i’m good at. To be honest the offers started coming in. It was nice to feel wanted and respected again. The pressure had been taken off me due to my redundancy package. I knew that so long as I found work by the new year I would be fine financially. My wife had been
awesome throughout and at no point did she panic. I guess this was one of those “Trust” moments you have in marriages. She trusted and believed in me. I had quite a few options. I was being offered business partnerships, shareholder options, head and sous chef positions.
So what have I decided to do?
The Greyhound Pub. This is owned by one of my best friends from my training days as a student at Suffolk College. He had heard about my situation. He needed a chef. Straight away I was excited about this. I would be in a kitchen, cooking the food I wanted (within reason :-) and more importantly having some fun with it. I know there are always issues with working with friends. I may look back on this blog in years to come with a frown, but I very much doubt it. Just down to the nature of our personalities our friendship has survived living together and drinking together.
The pub itself has won Adnams pub of the year Award as well as other awards for food. Dan himself has won awards for his wheatsheaf* work :oD (He’s a bit shy about that fact)
So from January 2012 I will be found there. Follow on twitter https://twitter.com/TheGreyhoundIps or follow me https://twitter.com/brix2tri. Let’s see where this journey takes me. If you are in Ipswich pop in and say hi.... also eat something.