Saturday, 3 November 2012

Injury Update

Just thought I would update anyone who is interested.
Back in July I was knocked of my bike by a car making a right turn across my right of way.
I was very fortunate in that I suffered no broken bones. But I have however now been "blessed" with some massive scars down my right arm.
I have also had a few issues with my knees. They tend to get pretty sore after a few hours on my feet. I have recently resumed running and I find that a post run ice pack works wonders for them.
I am putting in a claim for compensation which is going slowly but surely. Liability has already been admitted. So I can hope to look at getting a new bike in the new year (looking at Rose TT bike)
I have an appointment with the Solicitors' Doctor next month. Think that is where they assess the injuries and damage done.
Im looking forward to 2013. I had to withdraw from a few races which included the Vitruvian triathlon. So I have re entered this for 2013 as well as Brighton Marathon. More races will follow for sure.
Any way that's it for the moment.